Dodge P04858579 repair
Chrysler P04704383AC repair service
Jeep P04858518 service
dead no power
no sound
distorted audio
turns off
low volume, volume control broken
intermittent audio
Intermittent FM , station drop out
CD err, CD not working
This Page helps support the repair of the Chrysler JEEP Grand
Cherokee Wrangler DODGE Ram Caravan LHS Radio Stereo CD Tape Player
AM/FM car stereo cassette deck.
(1994-2003) P04704383AC, P04858579, P04858518, P04858580,
P04704383AD, P04704383AE, P04704383AF, P04704373AG, P04704383AH, P04704383AC,
P04858579, P04858518, P04858580, P04858517, P04704382AC
Contact us for more info.
We are a non authorized car audio electronic repair center, capable of
repairing these issues and others.
Front panel view of a P04704383AH
If the unit has been
previously worked on by another facility or has been modified, please inform us when requesting a repair.